A biographical drama film about the life of Bernadette Soubirous, a young French woman who claims to have seen visions of the Virgin Mary.
Is this movie suitable for family viewing?
This movie is suitable for family viewing, but it may be too long for younger children.
This movie is worth watching for its historical significance and Jennifer Jones' excellent performance.
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The film tells the story of Bernadette's life, from her childhood to her death, and her claims of seeing visions of the Virgin Mary, which leads to her becoming a saint.
The story is well-written and engaging, but it may be too long for some viewers.
The acting is excellent, with Jennifer Jones giving a standout performance.
The characters are well-developed and believable, but some may find them too saintly.
The direction is excellent, with a clear vision and a good sense of pacing.
The cinematography is good, but it may be too dark for some viewers.
The film's story, direction, and acting are all excellent, and Jennifer Jones' performance is a standout.
The film may be too long for some viewers, and the cinematography may be too dark for others.
"I am but a poor, insignificant woman."
"The Lord has chosen me for a great purpose."