The Rescuers Down Under is a fun and adventurous animated film that follows the journey of Bernard and Miss Bianca as they travel to Australia to save a young boy from the clutches of an evil poacher.
Is this movie suitable for family viewing?
This movie is suitable for all ages, but children under 5 may find some scenes too intense.
This movie is worth watching if you're a fan of classic Disney animation, but it's not a must-see.
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The movie takes a dramatic turn when Bernard and Miss Bianca discover that the poacher is actually a former friend of Bernard's, who has turned to a life of crime, and they must use all their skills and cunning to outwit him and save the boy.
The story is engaging and full of exciting twists and turns, but it's not particularly original or memorable.
The voice acting is good, but some of the characters feel a bit underdeveloped.
The characters are well-developed and likable, but some of them feel a bit one-dimensional.
The direction is solid, but it doesn't bring anything new or innovative to the table.
The animation is beautiful and detailed, with some stunning landscapes and characters.
The animation is beautiful, the characters are likable, and the story is engaging.
The story is not particularly original, some characters feel underdeveloped, and the direction is solid but unremarkable.
"'I'm not afraid of anything!' - Miss Bianca"
"'We're not just rescuers, we're heroes!' - Bernard"