The Last Lion is a historical drama film that tells the story of Ernest Hemingway's life, focusing on his early years and his experiences in World War I.
Is this movie suitable for family viewing?
This movie is not suitable for family viewing due to its mature themes, violence, and some strong language.
This movie is worth watching for fans of historical dramas and literary biographies, but it's not essential viewing.
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The film explores Hemingway's relationships, his experiences in the war, and his struggles with identity, all of which shape his writing and ultimately lead to his rise as a literary giant.
The story is engaging and well-researched, but it feels a bit disjointed at times, struggling to balance Hemingway's multiple storylines.
The acting is excellent, particularly from Richard Harris, who brings Hemingway to life with his charisma and intensity.
The characters are well-developed and complex, particularly Hemingway, who is portrayed by Richard Harris in a nuanced and compelling performance.
The direction is solid, but it feels a bit overly reliant on voiceovers and narration, which can be distracting at times.
The cinematography is good, capturing the gritty and raw feel of World War I, but it's not particularly memorable or striking.
The film's strongest aspect is its performances, particularly Richard Harris's portrayal of Hemingway. The story is engaging, and the cinematography is good.
The direction feels a bit overly reliant on voiceovers and narration, and the story can be disjointed at times.
"'I was never anyone's hero.'"
"'The world breaks everyone, and afterward, many are strong at the broken places.'"