Thalaivaa is a Tamil action-drama film directed by A. L. Vijay, starring Vijay and Amala Paul in the lead roles. The movie follows the story of a politician who becomes the leader of a political party and fights against corruption.
Is this movie suitable for family viewing?
Not recommended for family viewing due to some violence and mature themes.
Thalaivaa is a decent watch, but it's not particularly memorable or impactful. If you're a fan of Vijay or action-drama films, you might enjoy it, but it's not a must-watch.
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The movie revolves around the character of Vijay, who plays the role of a politician named Suravimal, who becomes the leader of a political party. He fights against corruption and takes revenge on the people who wronged him. Along the way, he also falls in love with Amala Paul's character, who is a doctor. The movie has a lot of action, drama, and romance, making it a thrilling watch.
The story is engaging and has a lot of twists and turns, but it's not particularly original or memorable.
The acting is good, but some of the actors feel a bit miscast in their roles.
The characters are well-developed, but some of them feel a bit one-dimensional and lack depth.
The direction is good, but it could have been better with more attention to detail and pacing.
The cinematography is excellent, with some beautiful shots and a great use of lighting.
The movie has a lot of action, drama, and romance, making it a thrilling watch. The cinematography is excellent, and the acting is good.
The story is not particularly original or memorable, and some of the characters feel a bit one-dimensional. The direction could have been better with more attention to detail and pacing.
"'I am not a politician, I am a leader.'"
"'The people are not my enemies, they are my friends.'"