Super High Me is a documentary film that follows comedian Russ Belville as he smokes pot every day for 30 days to see the effects on his health and well-being.
Is this movie suitable for family viewing?
Not recommended for young children due to mature themes and language.
Recommended for fans of comedy and documentary films, especially those interested in the effects of marijuana on the human body.
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The film is a hilarious and informative look at the effects of marijuana on the human body, with Russ Belville documenting his journey from a healthy and happy person to a paranoid and anxious one.
The story is engaging and informative, with Russ Belville's journey being both entertaining and educational. However, the film could have benefited from more structure and a clearer narrative.
Russ Belville's performance is excellent, and he brings a lot of humor and charm to the film. The other actors are also good, but they don't have as much screen time.
Russ Belville is a charismatic and likable host, and his transformation from a healthy and happy person to a paranoid and anxious one is both fascinating and relatable.
The direction is straightforward and to the point, but could have been more creative and engaging. The film's pacing is also a bit slow at times.
The cinematography is decent, with some interesting shots and angles. However, the film could have benefited from more variety and creativity in terms of camera work.
Engaging story, charismatic host, and informative content.
Slow pacing, lack of creativity in direction and cinematography.
"I'm not a stoner, I'm a scientist."
"I'm not high, I'm just enthusiastic."