Maharshi is a 2019 Indian Telugu-language drama film directed by Vamsi Paidipally. The movie follows the story of Rishi Kumar, a young and ambitious man who returns to his village after becoming a successful entrepreneur. He wants to make a difference in the lives of his people and bring about positive change.
Is this movie suitable for family viewing?
This movie is not suitable for young children due to some intense scenes and mature themes.
This movie is a must-watch for fans of Telugu cinema and those who enjoy action-packed dramas. It's worth watching in theaters for the big-screen experience.
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The movie revolves around Rishi Kumar, who returns to his village after becoming a successful entrepreneur. He meets his childhood friend, Pooja, and tries to help her family, but his efforts are met with resistance from the village elders. Rishi then decides to contest in the local elections and wins, but his victory is short-lived as he faces opposition from the corrupt politician, Jagadish Chandra.
The story is engaging and well-paced, with a clear message about the importance of social responsibility. However, some plot twists feel forced and convenient.
The acting is top-notch, with Mahesh Babu delivering a standout performance as Rishi Kumar. The supporting cast is also excellent, with some memorable performances.
The characters are well-developed and relatable, especially Rishi Kumar's character. The chemistry between the lead actors is great, but some supporting characters feel underutilized.
The direction is solid, with some impressive action sequences and emotional moments. However, the pacing could have been tighter in some places.
The cinematography is stunning, with beautiful shots of the countryside and impressive action sequences. The color palette is vibrant and well-used.
Engaging story, well-developed characters, impressive action sequences, and stunning cinematography.
Some plot twists feel forced, pacing could have been tighter in some places, and some supporting characters feel underutilized.
"Akkada valla gaadhi, akkada valla aadhi."
"Naa peru Rishi, naa vallaki Rishi."