Life After Beth is a dark comedy that tells the story of a young man's struggle to cope with the death of his girlfriend, who comes back to life after a few days.
Is this movie suitable for family viewing?
Not recommended for young children due to mature themes and language.
This movie is worth watching if you're a fan of dark comedies and are looking for something a bit offbeat. However, it's not for everyone, and some viewers may find it confusing or uncomfortable.
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The movie takes a dark turn when Beth comes back to life, but she's not the same person she was before. She's now a zombie-like creature, and her family and friends must navigate their feelings towards her new state.
The story is unique and explores themes of grief, love, and acceptance. However, it's not well-paced and feels a bit disjointed at times.
The acting is solid, with some standout performances from the cast. However, Dane DeHaan's character feels a bit underutilized.
The characters are well-developed and relatable, especially Beth's family and friends. However, Dane DeHaan's character feels a bit one-dimensional.
The direction is decent, but it feels like the movie is trying to balance too many tones at once. It's a bit confusing and doesn't quite work.
The cinematography is great, with some beautiful and unsettling shots. However, it's not consistent throughout the movie.
Unique story, well-developed characters, great cinematography
Poor pacing, confusing tone, underutilized characters
"I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals. I'm a vegetarian because I hate plants."
"You're not a zombie, you're just...different."