Dogma is a 1999 American comedy film written and directed by Kevin Smith, starring Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, and Salma Hayek. The movie follows two fallen angels, Loki and Bartleby, who attempt to exploit a loophole in Catholic dogma to get back into heaven.
Is this movie suitable for family viewing?
This movie is not suitable for family viewing due to its mature themes, language, and some explicit content.
This movie is a must-watch for fans of comedy and fantasy. It's a cult classic that will leave you laughing and entertained. Watch it on Netflix or Amazon Prime, but be prepared for some mature themes and language.
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The movie centers around Loki and Bartleby, two angels who are banished from heaven for eternity. They discover a loophole in Catholic dogma that allows them to return to heaven, but they need to prove that there is no God. They recruit Bethany, a muse, and Jay and Silent Bob, two convenience store clerks, to help them on their mission.
The story is original and engaging, with a unique blend of humor and fantasy. The plot is well-structured and keeps the audience entertained throughout.
The acting is superb, with each cast member delivering memorable performances. Ben Affleck and Matt Damon shine as Jay and Silent Bob, bringing their signature humor to the film.
The characters are well-developed and memorable, with each one bringing their own unique personality to the story. However, some characters feel underutilized.
Kevin Smith's direction is top-notch, bringing the story to life with his signature style. The pacing is well-balanced, and the film's tone is consistently humorous.
The cinematography is visually appealing, with a mix of bright colors and dark humor. However, some scenes feel a bit too dark or grainy.
The movie's original story, memorable characters, and top-notch direction make it a standout film. The humor is consistently funny, and the cast delivers memorable performances.
Some characters feel underutilized, and the cinematography can be a bit too dark or grainy at times. However, these minor flaws don't detract from the overall experience.
"I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals. I'm a vegetarian because I hate plants."
"The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything is 42."
"You're more beautiful than Cinderella! You smell like pine needles, and have a face like sunshine!"